Where does the time go?

Hi Again, has it REALLY been a year since that last post? I guess so, and I can only apologise profusely if you have been on the edge of your seat all that time in anticipation of my promised podcast! Life has a habit of getting in the way and my life for the last year has been constantly in the way! I've moved three times, which meant a lot of feeling unsettled and I find it hard to be creative when I'm unsettled.

I would still dearly love to do the podcast and only need to get myself a new microphone before I'll be on it! I will also try to post more regularly too, with little nuggets of music and the like that you'll love.
It's a habit thing really, I've been out of the habit and I need to get back into it. (no nun jokes please!)

Anyway, in the mean time here's a song for you. This singer of some considerable talent is called Eddy Johns (Not to be confused with Eddie Johns, Who may or may not have been sampled by Daft Punk for 'One More Time') and I got introduced to him and his music at The Icarus Club @ The Station hotel, Hither Green where my band, The Fictive Kinship, and I were fortunate enough to share the bill with not just Eddy but also some other great acts too. I'm pretty sure they have a night there every thursday, well worth checking out if you are around.

Anyway, Here's "Riding Home" a lovely little song, I'm sure you'll agree.


irrlphnt said...

where is it?!

Peter Wilcox said...

i retract my earlier comment - it works now :)

Dellamorte said...

Good to see you back in the game!

Roy D'Cour said...

Hmmm, sorry i wasn't ignoring anyone, just don't get a notification for comment posts! ~goes off to sort that out~

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